Corporate Profile

Aurôme Infra Private Limited is promoted by P. Sudhakar Reddy, B.Tech Civil, who is the Managing Partner of “PSR Constructions” and Aurôme was established in the year 1999 under his dynamic leadership who has executed various civil engineering projects across pan India basis in Core Infrastructure, Reality, Irrigation, Roads & Mining works.

Aurôme Infra is head-quartered in Bangalore, India’s Silicon Valley, leveraging the vast ecosystem of technology development and innovation and our boundaries spanned all across the nation. We are a team of Reality professionals who aim to build a better and shining India providing better infrastructure for transport, irrigation, building and other living solutions.




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Corporate Services Aurome Infra Pvt Ltd
Projects Sitemap Pent House, #46, Kalpavruksha Paradise, 5th Floor, 4th Cross
Plant & Machinery Login Boopsandra Main Road, R.M.V.- 2nd Stage,
Contact Us Email Login Bangalore - 560 094