The Brand

The word "Aurome" was formed by blending parts of three words and letters within the three words that combine to create a brand new word whose meaning is a combination of the original words, AURO+HOME+AUM (OM)

"AURO" means GOLD, whose chemical symbol is Au and is derived from Aurum in Latin, meaning Glow of Sunrise or Shining Dawn.

"HOME" means a place to live. "Aurome" pronunciation ends as Home, and "AUM" or "OM". It also gives a sense of belonging as it can be pronounced also as "Our Home"

"AUM" or "OW is the mula mantra, the cosmic vibration responsible for the creation of the universe. Whoever chants this obtains all that he desires. The past, the present, the future and beyond future are all inclusive in AUM/OM

Thus the new blended word "AurÖme means "Timeless Golden Homes".


We believe in creating sustainable built environments that create unprecedented value to all our stake holders that include our clients, partners & employees. Our commitment is quality control, speed of delivery & value for money in all our developments.


  • Focus on Quality
  • Speed in Implementation
  • More value for Money
  • Sustainability


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Corporate Services Aurome Infra Pvt Ltd
Projects Sitemap Pent House, #46, Kalpavruksha Paradise, 5th Floor, 4th Cross
Plant & Machinery Login Boopsandra Main Road, R.M.V.- 2nd Stage,
Contact Us Email Login Bangalore - 560 094